Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This was during a weekend retreat where the main focus was to rest. When you get good rest, creativity flows freely. And Expression follows with ease.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

To the Future


The future is always unclear. It could sway in your favor, which would make you one of the “lucky” ones. Or it can lead you down an unfortunate path, a path that makes you an example of what not to do. Right now all of us are starring in the distance. Wondering what is coming from the horizon. Parents worry that they may have to support their grown children. Who can't find a way to a career because now-a-days jobs are scarce. College students are nervous about who is going to hire them. They are searching for that one person to give them a chance. Somewhere, someone is struggling to afford sky high bills to save her or his life. America is short on cash, and her markets are struggling. But with all these elements happening at once there is no where to go but up. The worst thing to do is to just give up; to shut down all mentality for survival.

Cognition, the process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. From this perception, sensation, notion, and/or intuition are created. In short, just like you are what you eat, you are how you think. Instead of festering in pity parties, adopt a sprit of fortitude. Harriet Tubman, was a woman barely over 5 feet, who also suffered sleeping spells, lead a people to freedom. A dirt poor girl grew up to be Oprah, one of the most notable people in the world. If an overlooked, German scientist named Albert Einstein, can think up one of the greatest scientific solutions. Then I truly believe, anyone can get her or his life together in this rocky conomy. Don't loose hope or faith in yourself, or a loved one's abilities, and prospectives. You should take every moment that you can breathe as a gift. The best thing to do is steady the course, and keep an optimistic smile on your face. (And don't forget a side hustle.)

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Not only was the 4th of November 2008 the 22nd anniversary of my birth, it wasthe end of the world as we know it. A world where opportunity were abandoned by the mental blockage from race and/or gender, but now those excuses isn’t good enough. No one can say that I can’t do something because of fill in the blank. If you push hard, you can make things happen. There is still work that needs to be done, but with Barrack Obama progress has been made. Hope received a new lease on life, and like the song said "It's a New Day." That night I watched people pour into the streets. They had a happiness that was contagious, and welcomed. "Yes We Can," was chanted over and over with vigilance. It was as if people were yelling out a statement of purpose. Yes, good really can overcome. If goals are set, and commitment is made, great things can, and will happen. In times of uncertainty, success is available to those who want it.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


What is not a mother, or a father figure, but instills morals, and values? What is not a boss, but makes you want to work hard? Who does not tell you what to do, but if you trust this person, you will heavely think about what they say? No matter what!
The answer is simple: a mentor.

A mentor is welcomed in someone's life, because they provide a compassionate ear. A mentor acts as a second opinion that is objective, and honest. This is important when you're in a situation, that for the life of you can't figure out. Most situations are complicated by the person, a mentor can help straighten things out to find a solution.
One of the most important things about mentorship, is that a mentor is always welcomed. It's aggravating when someone tells you what you should do, without you asking them for advice. No one likes it when people, who think they know the issue, butts in without permission. Life is filled with a lot of people, who you have to answer to. It starts with your parents, then your teachers, a boss, and sometimes a spouse. Besides that you have to follow the law, rules, traffic, ettiqute, and the list goes on. NO ONE wants another person to add more RULES. No matter how helpful the advice may be, let a person decide if they want it. When it comes to mentorship Know-it-Alls need not apply.

A mentor is a human diary, who never comes with judgment. You can sit and cry your heart out, and not worry about what you said being repeated. A mentor respects your privacy along with your opinion.
A good mentor will never tell you what to do; instead they'll give suggestions. The advice that they give you is not a command, it's something for you to consider. They make these suggestions because they care about your welfare. They make these suggestions to challenge you, so you can reflect and grow as a person. A good mentor is an asset, richer than platinum gold.